Dr Emma Devitt

Dr Emma Devitt MB BCh BAO BA MD DFSRH FRCPI is a Consultant Physician at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London, UK. She graduated from the University of Dublin, Trinity College in 2000. She completed her specialist training in Infectious Diseases and General Internal Medicine in Ireland in 2009. She was awarded her MD in Hepatitis C from University College Dublin.

She has been working at Chelsea and Westminster since 2009 where she has a specific interest in the medical complications of HIV and management of viral hepatitis. She does outpatient clinics at 56 Dean Street Clinic in Central London which is Europe’s busiest Sexual Health clinic with large numbers of new HIV, Hepatitis C and bacterial STI diagnoses annually. Her outpatient work includes HIV and viral hepatitis management along with HIV prevention (PreP) and outreach clinics to high risk patients in the local community including Homeless individuals. Her inpatient work is on a dedicated 19 bed HIV and HIV Oncology ward at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.