The 16th IDSI ASM will be held on the

15th– 16th May 2025

in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire.

Advances and Innovations in Infectious Diseases

The IDSI will host their 16th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin on the 15th and 16th of May 2025.   This year the focus will be on what is new in ID, we will be exploring how new developments are changing the clinical practice of Infectious Diseases professionals. It promises to be an inspiring and  exciting meeting and we hope you can be part of it.

Key Dates for 2025
14/01: Abstract Submission Opens
18/03: Submission Closes
17/04: Notification of acceptances

Submit an Abstract


Thursday, 23rd May 2013

Registration: 15.00

15.30 – 16.00 Tea/Coffee

16.00-17.00 Sponsored Symposium
Chair: Dr. Carol Emerson

Redefining goals for long-term success in HIV
Dr. Graeme Moyle, Consultant HIV Physician, Director HIV Research Strategy, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London

Co-morbidities in long-term HIV care
Dr. Paddy Mallon, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin

17.00-17.15 Tea/Coffee, Poster Viewing & Exhibition

Clinical Session

Co-Chairs: Professor Mary Horgan, CUH, Dr. Arthur Jackson

17.15-17.55 Evolving treatment strategies in chronic hepatitis B virus.
Dr. Patrick Kennedy, Consultant Hepatologist & Gastroenterologist, Barts Health NHS Trust, UK.

17.55-18.35 Clinical Research Facilities: Resuscitating the Clinician Researcher
Professor Joe Eustace, Director, CRF-C, University College Cork

18.35-20.00 SpR Clinical Presentations

Tainted Water: Hazard of the Great Outdoors
Dr. Deirdre Morley

A Royal Pain in the Hip
Dr. Sarah O’Connell

A Cerebral Conundrum
Dr. Geraldine Moloney

Gardening at Night
Dr. Ciaran Bannan

The Drugs don’t Work
Dr. Katie McFaul

Friday, 24th May 2013

Registration: 07.00

07.30 Breakfast

07.45 – 08.45 Sponsored Symposium
Chair: Dr. Susan Clarke

Facing the challenge of the HIV patient in the near future/co-morbidities
Dr Jose Maria Gatell, Senior Consultant & Head of Infectious Diseases at the Hospital Clinic & Professor of Medicine at the University of Barcelona

08.45 – 09.00 Welcome Address
Professor Mary Horgan, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Cork University Hospital

Co-Chairs: Professor Mary Horgan, Professor Rich Whitley

09.00 – 09.40 Clinical Session

Transplant brings out the most interesting of infections
Dr. Camille Nelson Kotton, Clinical Director of the Transplant Infectious Disease and Compromised Host Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School.

09.40-10.55 Clinical Abstract Oral Presentations

09.40-09.55 Moving On: Audit of HIV Infected Children Exiting the Paediatric Service
Emer Ryan, William Macken, Michele Goode , Patrick Gavin and Karina Butler.
Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin

09.55-10.10 A High Prevalence Rate of a Positive Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Patients with HIV Attending an Irish Clinic
Patricia McNamara, Robert Coen, Colm Bergin, Janice Redmond, Colin Doherty.
St. James’s Hospital

10.10-10.25 Slipping Through the Cracks: Injection Drug Users’ Experiences of HCV Care
Cliona Ni Cheallaigh, Alistair Storey, Leila Reid, Austin O’Carroll.
Lavelle Lab, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute

10.25-10.40 The frequency of significant biopsy findings in a chronic Hepatitis B cohort
Ruth O’Riordan, Aisling Brown, Mary Horgan.
Cork University Hospital

10.40 – 10.55 Lean mass has a greater effect on bone mineral density than fat mass; data from a cohort of HIV positive and HIV negative subjects.
Aoife G. Cotter,1,2 Caroline A. Sabin,3 Sibongile Simelane,1 Alan Macken,1Brendan Rogers,1 Eoin Kavanagh,2 Jennifer J. Brady,2 Patrick W.G. Mallon1,2on behalf of the HIV UPBEAT Study Group.
1) HIV Molecular Research Group, School of Medicine & Medical Science, University College Dublin, Ireland. 2) Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Eccles St., Dublin 7, Ireland. 3) Research Department of Infection & Population Health, UCL Medical School, London.

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee/tea, Poster Viewing & Exhibition

Co-Chairs: Dr. Busi Mooka, Dr. Vance Fowler

Clinical Session

11.30 – 12.10 Global Resistance: Global Problems for Physicians and Microbiologists
Dr. Patrick R. Murray, Worldwide Director of Scientific Affairs for Becton Dickinson Diagnostics.

12.10 – 12.55 Clinical Abstract Oral Presentations

12.10 – 12.25 HIV is an Independent Predictor of Lower Bone Mineral Density in HIV-positive Subjects Compared to HIV-negative Subjects.
Aoife G. Cotter,1,2 Caroline A. Sabin,3 Sibongile Simelane,1 Alan Macken,1Brendan Rogers,1 Eoin Kavanagh,2 Jennifer J. Brady,2 Patrick W.G. Mallon1,2on behalf of the HIV UPBEAT Study Group.
1) HIV Molecular Research Group, School of Medicine & Medical Science, University College Dublin, Ireland. 2) Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Eccles St., Dublin 7, Ireland. 3) Research Department of Infection & Population Health, UCL Medical School, London.

12.25-12.40 The Investigation of Colonization and Risk Factors Associated with Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamse-Producing Enterobacteriaceae, Vancomycin Resistant Enterococciand Carbapenemase-Producing

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Enterobacteriaceae Among Nursing Home Residents Over a 3 Month Period.
Catherine Ludden, Dr. Dearbháile Morris, Dr. Akke Vellinga, Ms Bernie Austin, Prof. Martin Cormican.
Clinical Science Institute, NUIG

12.40-12.55 The Mater-Bronx Rapid HIV Testing Project. Revelation of HIV transmission risk behaviour from a European Emergency Department HIV screening programme.
Gerard O’Connor, Ailbhe Ni Flatheartaigh, Kathleen Coyle, Eamon Brazil, Yvette Calderon, Paddy Mallon.
HIV Molecular Research Group, School of Medicine and Medical Science, UCD.

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch also:

13.00-14.00 Sponsored Symposium
Debate: Fixed Dose Combinations – Are They a Predictor of Patient Adherence?
For: Dr. Paddy Mallon, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Mater University Hospital, Dublin.
Against: Dr. Calvin Cohen , Director of Research, Community Research Initiative (CRI) of New England.

Co-Chairs: Professor Colm Bergin, Dr. Patrick Murray

Clinical Session

14.05 – 14.45 Staphylococcus aureus: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with the Persistent Pathogen
Professor Vance Fowler MD, MHS, Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, Duke University Medical Center

14.45 – 15.15 National OPAT Project
Dr. Susan Clarke, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin

15.15 – 15.45 Clinical Abstract Oral Presentations

15.15 – 15.30 Translational medicine in Ireland: a phase I malaria vaccine study
Eoghan de Barra, Susanne H. Sheehy2, Katie J. Ewer2, Kerrie Hennigan1, Ann Collins1, Ian D. Poulton2, Pooja Mange2, Katharine A. Collins2, Eleanor Berrie3, Sarah Moyle3, Alison M. Lawrie2, Regitze Thoegersen5, Egeruan Babatunde Imoukhuede5, Odile Leroy5 , Alfredo Nicosia4, ,Adrian V. Hill2 , Samuel J. McConkey1 RCSI

15.30 -15.45 Human leukocyte antigen subtype associations with immunological recovery and drug toxicities in HIV infected adults
J O’Halloran, J Crowley 2, MF Fagan 2, C Hickey 2, S Stokes 2, H Tuite 1, A Kinsella 2, R Hagan 2, C Bergin 1 1Department of Genitourinary Medicine and Infectious Diseases,St. James’s Hospital,Dublin, Ireland, 2National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Reference Laboratory, Irish Blood Transfusion Service, Dublin, Ireland

15.45 -16.00 Tea/Coffee, Poster viewing and Exhibition

Co-Chairs: Dr. Susan Clarke, Dr. Camille Kotton

Clinical Session

16.00-16.40 Herpes Simplex Virus: From Encephalitis To Gene Therapy
Professor Rich Whitley, Vice Chairman of the Department of Paediatrics and Division Director of Paediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine.

16.40-17.10 Clinical Abstract Oral Presentations

16.40-16.55 Review of Spinal Infections Presenting to Cork University Hospital 2005-2011
Doherty AS, Horgan M, University College Cork

17.10-17.25 The Imported Fever Service; an integrated system for improved management and diagnosis of fever in returned travellers
J Lambourne, A Semper, M Chand, J Osborne, B Nadjm, C H Roberts, K Russell, S Taori, M Sudhanva, P Chiodini, N Beeching, T Brooks
Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory, PHE Microbiology Services, UK

Clinical Session

17.25 – 18.00 Tuberculosis – the Cork Experience
Dr. Margaret O’Sullivan, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Department of Public Health, HSE-South, Cork

18.00 Prizegiving

18.10 AGM

Saturday, 25th May 2013

GP- Focussed Learning Session

Registration: 08.00

08.15 Breakfast at Brookfield Health Sciences Complex

08.30 – 09.30 Sponsored Symposium

Chair: Prof Colm Bergin, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, St James’s Hospital Dublin

Debate: The evolving landscape of HIV therapy.
Two topics will be debated
Is efavirenz still the gold standard treatment in HIV?’ and
‘Single tablet regimens represent more value than multiple tablet regimens’


  • Prof Mary Horgan, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Cork University Hospital.
  • Dr John White, Consultant Physician in Sexual Health and HIV, Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Dr Paddy Mallon, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin

Clinical Session

Chair: Dr. Arthur Jackson

09.30-10.10 Lyme borreliosis: recent developments in diagnosis and management
Dr. Sue O’Connell, former Consultant in Medical Microbiology and Head of the Lyme Borreliosis Unit (LBU) at the Health Protection Agency’s Microbiology Laboratory at Southampton University Hospitals Trust, Southampton UK

10.10 – 10.30 HIV – What every doctor needs to know
Professor Mary Horgan, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Cork University Hospital

10.30-10.50 UTI – Subtleties and Difficulties
Dr. Busi Mooka, Mid-Western Regional Hospital

10.50-11.20 Coffee/tea, Poster Viewing and Exhibition

11.20-11.40 Herpes Simplex Virus – General Medicine Scenarios
Professor Rich Whitley, Vice Chairman of the Department of Paediatrics and Division Director of Paediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine.

11.40-12.00 Infections of importance in Pregnancy and What to do
Dr. Mairead O’Riordan, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Cork University Maternity Hospital

12.00-12.20 HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancers
Dr.Matt Hewitt, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Cork University Maternity Hospital

12.20-12.40 Fever in the Returned Traveller
Dr. Arthur Jackson, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Cork University Hospital/Mercy University Hospital

12.40-13.00 Antimicrobial Resistance – What individual GPs can do to help
Dr. Nuala O Connor MICGP MRCGP ICGP, Clinical Lead HealthCare Associated Infections / Antimicrobial Drug Resistance.

Close of 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting