The 16th IDSI ASM will be held on the

15th– 16th May 2025

in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire.

Advances and Innovations in Infectious Diseases

The IDSI will host their 16th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin on the 15th and 16th of May 2025.   This year the focus will be on what is new in ID, we will be exploring how new developments are changing the clinical practice of Infectious Diseases professionals. It promises to be an inspiring and  exciting meeting and we hope you can be part of it.

Key Dates for 2025
14/01: Abstract Submission Opens
18/03: Submission Closes
17/04: Notification of acceptances

Submit an Abstract


GUIDE clinic, St James Hospital

HIV & AIDS information (nam)

Societies & Organisations:

Infectious Diseases Society of America

British Society for Antimicrobial Therapy

British Association for the Study of Sexual Health

British HIV Association

European AIDS clinical Society

Health Protection and Surveillance Centre

Irish Society of Clinical Microbiologists

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Society for Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Ireland

Tools & Resources:

Stanford Resistance

University of Liverpool HIV drug interactions

Johns Hopkins guides (antibiotics, HIV; registration required)

Clinical Care Options (HIV, hepatitis, transplant (under development); registration required)

HIV InSite

SCALE HIV: Screening, Counselling and Linkage to Care Education, Johns Hopkins University, in association with CMECompanion (registration required)

Further Education:

Peru Tropical Medicine Course

Infectious Diseases at the Edward Worth

The joint TCD-UCD Masters degree in Development Practice (MDP) is a new two-year programme that offers a world class training and education in development practice at graduate level.
Masters in Development Practice