The 16th IDSI ASM will be held on the

15th– 16th May 2025

in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire.

Advances and Innovations in Infectious Diseases

The IDSI will host their 16th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin on the 15th and 16th of May 2025.   This year the focus will be on what is new in ID, we will be exploring how new developments are changing the clinical practice of Infectious Diseases professionals. It promises to be an inspiring and  exciting meeting and we hope you can be part of it.

Key Dates for 2025
14/01: Abstract Submission Opens
18/03: Submission Closes
17/04: Notification of acceptances

Thu 16th May


Registration & Coffee



Dr. Eavan Muldoon, Hon. Secretary, Infectious Diseases Society of Ireland
Keynote Speaker


Keynote: Challenges with Climate Change and Infectious Diseases

Dr. Ilan Schwartz
Dr. Claire Gordon

Co-Chairs: Dr. Eavan Muldoon & Dr. Eoghan De Barra

Sponsored Symposium


The Challenge of Delivering Inclusive Care for People Living with HIV

Prof Chloe Orkin


Tea, Coffee & Exhibition

Keynote Speaker


Keynote: AI and Challenges in Infectious Diseases

Dr. Adrian Egli

Chair: Dr. Christine Kelly


Lunch & Exhibition


OPAT Session -

The Dargan Suite - Oral presentations followed by roundtable discussion


Introduction of Midlines for OPAT in Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore A Retrospective Review

Huma Razzaqe

Turnaround time of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (opat) : quality project in cork university hospital and mercy university hospital, from Dec 2023 to Jan 2024

Samata Al Dowaiki

Voices Heard: Enhancing OPAT Care through Patient Feedback​

Aarti Gupta


Oral Presentations

Establishing a dashboard at the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC): The development, impact, challenges and lessons learned

Mairead Madigan 

Calculating direct healthcare salary costs and factors associated with healthcare personnel workdays lost due to COVID-19 infection in the age of widespread vaccine availability

Liam Townsend

“One man’s waste is another man’s treasure” - the National Wastewater Surveillance Programme

Gwendoline Deslyper

Results of a national public health investigation of paediatric cases of invasive group a streptococcus during the 2022-2023 outbreak

Deirdre Foley

Increase In Cases Of Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis Presenting To Children's Health Ireland – Results Of A 15 Year Retrosepctive Case Review

Jennifer Cox

All trans Retinoic Acid as a Host-directed Therapy for Nontuberculous Mycobacteria

Conor Grant

Keynote Speaker


Keynote: Challenges in Tuberculosis

Dr. Elizabeth Whittaker
Prof. Joe Keane

Co-Chairs: Dr. Carlos MejiaChew & Dr. Catherine Fleming


Tea, Coffee and Exhibition


Inaugural Irish Paediatric Infectious Disease Society Meeting

Dargan Suite


Clinical Case Studies

A Strong Case for Persisting with Persistent Diarrhoea

Dr. Feargal Howley

A surprise cestode: an unexpected case of neurocystircercosis

Dr. Daragh McGee

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Dr. Rhea O'Regan

Monkey business in Mallow

Dr. Matthew Blair

The Tourist's Tale

Dr. Lisa Duffy

When the clue isn’t in the history. Subtitle: But the answer is always Doxycycline

Dr. Ellen Newman



Fri 17th May


Registration & Coffee


All Ireland Infectious Diseases Cohort - Team Science in Infectious Diseases

Dr Paddy Mallon
Keynote Speaker


Keynote: HIV

Dr. Monica Gandhi

Co.Chairs:  Dr. Colm Bergin & Dr. Jane O'Halloran

Sponsored Symposium


Gilead Symposium

Menopause Matters HIV & Menopause - Dr. Naomi Sutton


Tea, Coffee & Exhibition

Keynote Speaker


Keynote: Inclusion Health

Dr. Binta Sultan
Dr Tara McGinty

Co Chairs: Dr. Cliona Ni Cheallaigh & Dr. Ashwin Sen


Lunch & Exhibition

Keynote Speaker


High Consequence Infectious Diseases and Pandemic Preparedness

Dr. Timo Wolf
Dr. D Morley
Dr. Máirín Boland

Taking Care of HCID patients in Europe. What can clinical experience teach us?- Dr. T Wolf

Progress in Health System Prepardness for HCID - Dr. M. Boland

National High Level Isolation Unit - Dr. D Morley

Co Chairs: Dr. Mary Horgan & Dr. Sam McConkey


Oral Session 2

The use of dalbavancin in place of inpatient or outpatient intravenous antimicrobial therapy in a socially vulnerable patient group

Tina Gillespie

Portrayal of homelessness in the Irish media: a mixed-methods analysis.

Orly Mahoney 

Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in an urban homeless population

David Moynan

Immigrants reported high levels of trust in Irish healthcare services, but faced challenges regarding accessibility and privacy

Feargal Howley

Associations between the gut microbiome, diet, inflammation and cardiovascular profiles in People with HIV (PWH)

Rachel Mac Cann

Screening Practices, Prevalence, and Treatment Patterns for Osteoporosis in Patients Living with HIV: Results from Ireland's Largest HIV Clinic

Seán Donohoe

An Audit of CD4+ T cell Monitoring in People Living with HIV attending the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital's Infectious Diseases Clinic

Aoife Heeney


Prize Giving Awards & Close

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